© F. Launette


The yellow gorgonian coral likes shadowy places and overhangs between 5 and 100 meters deep. Its branched skeleton measures between 10 and 50 centimetres: it is dotted with small holes in which minuscule animals live, i.e. polyps. Its branches are positioned perpendicularly to the current in order to filter water and trap microorganisms.

Scientific name

Eunicella cavolini

Natural habitats

Rocky seabeds

Did you know ?

Gorgonians produce eggs which transform into small larvae. Carried away by the current these will be the source of new colonies.

Conservation stake



  • Exploitation by man and uprooting
  • Destruction by fishing boats
  • Changes to its environment
  • Climate change
  • Acidification of oceans

How can I help to protect it?

  • I use environment-friendly mooring techniques to limit the impact of anchoring
  • In the case of anchoring out at sea,I only anchor in areas where marine habitats are not fragile and raise the anchor vertically
  • I do not disturb marine wildlife. Look but don’t touch!
  • I avoid contact with the seabed and with sloping faces
  • I avoid repeated and long visits to caves
  • I report any unusual environmental incidents
  • I recover waste and dispose of it in suitable bins on land
  • I do not gather souvenirs from the sea
  • I share this best practice with other seafarers and raise their awareness.

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